Some things go through my mind, these days: I will have to leave the Anthropology of Childhood for later days, because I am fully concentrated on working for my tests to finish the first part of my studies in socio - cultural anthropology. I hope, I will find time to compile theories and approaches this summer, however, there´s little material in this University bibliotheque. Tomorrow I will have to pass my exam text "Justice in the media" to my professor. I hope, she will like it. Resuming about my previous work, I have to say, that it opened up a whole new "world" of culture and human activities: As I wrote some days ago, theory and practice start to go together, in my mind. Ethnohistory gets more interesting, the more I focus on empirical research. Comparison makes the thing lots easier. I still remember, what my daddy said about migrants and displaced people, he has got to know some within his Jazz music. Well, times have changed and music has devolped, too. There are a few of bands still playing "Traditional" Jazz, especially "Hot Jazz". I started to search for musical patterns some years ago, hopefully I can find notions of social functions of Hot Jazz music. Interviews were planned, but not all Jazz experts would want to be questioned about Hot Jazz. They told me to listen to the music over and over, so I do. Over and Over, I hear Billie Holiday´s souldeep song about lynching, it is called "Strange Fruit". It leaves me with sadness and respect - I cannot grasp all words, yet, but I learn.
© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005
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