Die Arbeitsgruppe Media Anthropology am Institut der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie sucht Sponsoren für die Vortragsreihe Medien Anthropologie. Interessierte schreiben ein informelles E-Mail! Topoi aus Forschung, Praxis und Theorie bilden das vorläufige Programm auf der Basis internationaler WissenschafterInnen - Kooperation.
The Vienna´s Institute of Socio - Cultural Anthropology group Media Anthropology plans to invite internationally respected scientist for lectures held throughout 2005 / 2006. Research, fieldwork and theoretical topics will be discussed on a basis of scientific cooperation. We therefore seek sponsors, please write an e - mail, informally.
I put my first Power Point Presentation concerning Media & Power online, I revised Justice in the Media? and updated the text. Various media will gain more and more importance within the following years. How will the use of these media change our human beings´society?
© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005
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