Saturday, November 03, 2007


Recently I found this work online, it is written by Martin Roessler. The EPaper gives a historical overview of Ethnology in the german-speaking countries. He means on page 20, that Ethnology and the NSRegime were subject to reciprocation, but he states, that political influences were stronger on the science, than the other way round. Except that the NSRegime was interested in colonial affairs, ethnologists during WWII pronounced racist stands and the hierarchical order of peoples from the view of an extreme nationalism. Some people in Dresden were Otto Reche´s alumni, notably one Michael Hesch, who wrote a Festschrift for Reche 1939 and who became the director of the Museums of Ethnology and Zoology in 1941. He was a member of the NSParty since 1933 and it seems, that his friendship with Reche was of great help for him, because his NSCareer was furthered in the years after 1941. He had been responsible for erbbiologische Abstammungsgutachten and later moved to Vienna, where he was a member of the Anthropological Society. He not only was scientifically influential during WWII, he also acquired certain ranks in the uniformed NSMilitia, namely one SSRank called Hauptsturmfuehrer. Sadly enough, the Museum of Ethnology´s website has only two or three sentences left for the time of WWII in Dresden.

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