University seminars and lectures started again. I will enjoy a seminar concerning the "german-speaking" institutes during WWII, to which I was admitted for. It is a blocked seminar, so attending is easily manageable. An overview of the history in Social and Cultural Anthropology I not only gained during lectures, but also in a previous seminar work group concerning students of the Vienna Institute. Here is a list of my work and collected links or texts relating to the previous seminar:
- Ia: Korrespondenz
- Ib: 1956
- Ic: 1953
- Id: Schebesta
- Ie: Einleitung
- If: DJW
- Ig: Fragebogen
- Ih: DOeW Literatur
- Ii: Universitaetsarchiv
- Ij: Einladung
- Ik: Wiesbauer- Hohenwart
- Il: OeAW
- Im:Jagellonen University Archives
- In: Wiener Messe
- Io: Zeitzeugen Dr. Gingrich
- Ip: Sulzmann
- Iq: Lexikon Klee
- Ir: Hampl
- Is: Henninger, Krampflitschek, Mylius, Schweeger- Hefel
- It: Center fo Military History
- Iu: Ariadne
- Iv: Wiesenthal Center
- Iw: Gall
- Ix: List
- Iy: Dr. Portisch
- Iz: Personenstand
- Iaa: Institutsarchiv
- Iba: Aspekte
- Ica: Boker Tov
- Ida: Schreibweisen Pluegel
- InterviewMeeting: 1, 2
- Universitaetsarchiv Wien: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Context XXI
- Goldstern
- Muehlfried: R. Bleichsteiner
- Rabinovici, Doron: Instanzen der Ohnmacht
- Shoa. De
- Shoa Foundation
- Warum?
I hope I can complete my work, soon. I got lots to do, a. to prepare the new semster, b. for the tourism bureau and c. to prepare my ceramics shop. I will have to acquire a licence to run the online business, because I have to make a living.
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