Thursday, September 27, 2007

Abuse, Mistreatment, Disambiguation, Maltreatment, Misusage, Violence

According to Wikipedia, the term abuse refers to . It means the maltreatment, misapplication or misusage of a human being, of a thing or an abstractum: A dominating position can be abused to dictate or impose something on somebody. Some forms of abuse are simply violations of something, for instance Human Rights. One of the most cruel things is , I think. in the whole world attempt to guard children. I suggest, that there should be universal Childrens´ Human Rights aknowledged, and a list of definitions or categories to help prevent and to recognize, what child abuse is and how children can be helped. Childrens´ Rights are assigned around the world, here is the link to the on the UNHCHR site. Amnesty International has a , including categories on and the plan to . Amnesty International, by a London lawyer called Peter Benenson, proposes to and coherent topics.

Children are your future, not only our future. around the world and works to stop it. are linked on their website, many possible situations are factored in. Regional Standards are listed below. 

Regional Standards
Here are additional blog posts:
And there are many more....Please join thousands of Bloggers, today! Write for Bloggers Against Abuse!

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