Thursday, August 23, 2007

Diversity multiplies chances

I am not through with the book, yet, but I found this lovingly sympathetic arguments: "The chaos provides the variability to permit an evolutionary process to discover more powerful and efficient solutions." (Kurzweil 2005: 45)

This paragraph says, that the more human beings live, the bigger is the pool for survival. This means more creativity and productivity can be reached through diversity. And this also means, the better we can communicate, the more opportunities we build to live. This option explains, why our future will show more quality via supporting cultural variety and diversity. The more manifold human beings evolve, the more possibilities we accomplish.

Kurzweil later on refers to sexual reproduction as a source for greater diversity, as he lists mutations and ever-changing environmental conditions in his example (rf. Kurzweil 2005: 46). In addition to his argument, in my interpretation concerning social consequences, he reasons designs of biology, namely "probabalistic fractals" and "deterministic fractals", "Genes supply the design information, but the detail in an organism is vastly greater than the genetic design information." (Kurzweil 2005: 46)

So it is clear as is the summer sun? (Shakespeare, Henry V)

As for intolerant, partial, biased and single-edged people: Beyond doubt therefore stands variability, diversity, variety and chaos. The old theories of a multi-cultural society prove too weak, because society does not (and cannot) explain how many is multi? (rf. Lukas - Hakami - lecture: Beruehmte Kontroversen in der Anthropologie).

Kurzweil, Ray (2005) The Singularity Is Near. U. S. A.: Penguin Books

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