This list of friendly restaurants and shopping malls was created by BIZEPS and DSA Manfred Srb. BIZEPS is a group to support disabled people. They publish news on their site, here is an article about the ENAR, short for European Network Against Racism, publication on Multiple Discrimination. This Fact Sheet defines issues of discrimination to differ multiple, compound and intersectional discrimination. There is a paper available written by Timo Makkonen, explaining this three dimensional approach, plus examples.
The NCDDR provides a systematic registry, having published Essays and Overviews. In the course of my studies I wrote Loon (PDF 183KB), a study relating to Disability Research. The text (in German) describes social perception by disabled people.
Goodman, Alan H. / Heath, Deborah / Lindee, Susan M. (2003): Genetic Nature/Culture. Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide. U. S. A.: University of California Press

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