Tuesday, October 16, 2007


A group to find out more about the Dresden Museum of Ethnology and Institute was formed during the first part of the seminar concerning the german-speaking regions during WWII. keeps an old collection since 1560, which was found by Kurfuerst August of Sachsen. The Inventarien describe these collections furthered by the King of Poland, who was August the Strong since 1794. Adolf B. Meyer founded the ethnographical department 1875, to be a part of the Museum of Natural History. Meyer had close contact with Rudolf Virchow and Adolf Bastian, two scientists important for the german-speaking countries. Remember Adolf Bastian and his work with Francis Boas, who later moved to North America. During WWII Dresden was destroyed, but luckily most of the museum collections were saved in time. As early as 1946 the anthropological collection arrived in the Museum.

Here is an excerpt of the time table, the time in question is only touched with some sentences on the website http://www.voelkerkunde-dresden.de/site.php?g=geschichte&css=fc (2007-10-16 04:58 PM):

1940 - 1945
Auslagerung von Archivunterlagen und Sammlungen. Vernichtung eines Teils der in Ausstellungen verbliebenen Großobjekte während der Bombardierung Dresdens.

Nach Beendigung des II. Weltkrieges Trennung der Museen für Tierkunde und Völkerkunde. Das Museum für Völkerkunde wird der Hauptverwaltung der Staatlichen Museen, Schlösser und Gärten im Lande Sachsen unterstellt.

This Museum of Ethnology has a Wikipedia article here http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_f%C3%BCr_V%C3%B6lkerkunde_Dresden (2007-10-16 05:00 PM), where the same contents, as above mentioned, are repeated. Here is a list of Departments in Germany http://www.ifeas.uni-mainz.de/ethno/links.html#2 (2007-16-10 05:06 PM), this already of big help for students in the seminar held by Professor Gingrich at the University´s .


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