Sunday, August 20, 2006

Writing in *.lit format

I already wrote about MS Reader and AddIns:
Here is the default link for downloading and access: Microsoft Reader and FAQ page. The addin to create Reader files is called WordRMR.exe, which installes the feature by clicking on the *.exe file. The open word, write and click the Reader Icon to transform your *.doc into a Reader file, store it. Look at it, then: The formatting must be controlled, because MS Reader does not import Word files 1:1. I will work on creating a template for Word within the next days.
Finally! Citavi is working by simply putting in the ISBN (if there is one). Yipeeehhh! Time saving work, since I got many books to register. Windows Live Writer does its job better than the BlogJet programm for writing and sending posts to various blogs.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006

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