California & Mexico 1990
Here are some photos I shot in Tijuana, Mexico and Los Angeles, Venice in 1990. Well, true, this is already long ago, but the pictures still show a lot of impressions I had then and now. I was 26 years old and I think I started to grow up....
This is wonderful Venice, amidst Los Angeles near the beach:Here we are in Venice Beach in Los Angeles:
Sunset near the beach:
Crossing the border:
Tijuana architecture:
Tijuana Supermarket from the inside:
Tijuana skyline:
Tijuana Taxi. One always feels like in the movies...
Having a drink inbetween. This is me, the photo could also have been shot in San Diego:
Bye, bye, Mexico:
No U - Turns, please:
Laguna Beach: Diet Center
Laguna Beach Diet Center: A little bird called Kolibri (blue on the pic, in the tree, right hand)
Laguna Beach breakfast view:
Our Seacliff motel´s fridge was too small for us and our guests:
Sleeping beauties: Waltraud, left & Sybil (me), right
© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005
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