Friday, August 18, 2006


OK, post arrived, but there seems to be a little fault with the line spacing. I will try to add a footnote now[1] and continue writing, so that there are more lines in my new post. I will go out to meet my family, my dearest nephews and brother. In the Email I integrated for posting, the text is ok and formatted, too. Music I listen to know: Go Johnny, go, For You Blue by The Beatles with a wonderfully played slide guitar. Well, it is easy to play, as much as I remember, when I played it with my Band The Razorblades in my twenties. 8/18/2006 5:00:35 PM, post formatted by macro into Arial 11pt, 1,5 line spacing and blocked. When will they publish the Let It Be film in full version and the Roof Top Concert, also in full length? Yes, The Beatles I mean2.

[1] This is the small printed text, you should usually read, but forget immediately.

2 Please see for a production list

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