Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

CCV - Translating Socioculture

Why is CCV - City Call Vienna interesting for translating socioculture? 

With cultural translation, I mean furthering and supporting the understanding of socioculturally specific habitus, whensoever habitus is explained as patterns of perception, action and interpretation. This specific habitus is learned from birth on and only changeable and alterable partially, because specific sociocultural habitus is per se not acquired as lexical knowledge, but learned behaviour of gestures, words, movements, facial expressions, thoughts or social networking practice and so forth. In CCV - City Call Vienna, the proponents are the Igbo speaking human beings living in migration. ... 

Read more: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sybil/city-call-vienna-ccv/posts/1675300

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

CCV - City Call Vienna: The Journey

CCV - City Call Vienna: The Journey https://youtu.be/bt0zpM90Nko via @YouTube. You are invited to see more on http://kck.st/2aiDkJV

Monday, August 15, 2016

CCV - City Call Vienna


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Otti - Life in Jazz

Otti Kitzler, 1942-1978, lived and worked in Vienna. At an early age he began to play the trumpet, years after he got to know Jazz, chewing gum and chocolate introduced by American soldiers. His parents supported him in becoming the best Jazz trumpet player. In 1964, he won the Jazz Festival of amateurs as the best solo musician in Austria. Studio recordings, the production of an EP and LP followed. His worldwide fame and success was also supported by "duells". These competitions of trumpet players profiled him in permanent competition in the fight for the top. Otti was the founder of Barrelhouse Jazzband 1959 in Vienna. Whether he practiced, played concerts or with his friends, friends and family had fun, and he was always "Hot Otti" with a perfect hearing, physical strength and breathing techniques to generate air columns and to shape tones with lips. The aim is a biographical documentary film about my daddy Otti, the analysis of backgrounds of his life; to show references to and integration into the global music and jazz scene; the reference of his passion for music of African origin and earlier jazz musicians' interpretations and auditory events in the first jazz clubs; but also his ambition to collect unheard tracks from Africa at that time. Traditional music, songs, instrumental performances and musical experiments influenced his musical career.

   Crowdfunding Otti

The financing of the project with crowdfunding makes it possible to let the audience participate in the success of the project: Working in archives, papers, documents, and activating the contacts should be maintained, firstly. To create a project base there are needed assets to promote collections of material, content creation, more conceptual work, international correspondence, telephone calls on * .mp3 and research. Image and sound material can be localized, as well as other media sources. Any license fees are separately loaded and negotiated. Here is the link: https://www.mycrowd.at/projects/1630 


Friday, September 12, 2008

A. L. J.

This is an announcement of my A. L. J., the Anthropo Logic Journals at anthlogjour.info, to participate in writing send your social and cultural anthropology related article by registering.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

Sunday, May 04, 2008


This site is continued under http://www.sybilamber.com/ .

Kind regards from Vienna, greetings sent out to the whole world!


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents

This is an important chapter relating to the internet. Please read the handbook provided by the Reporters Sans Frontieres under this link: http://www.rsf.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=542. Julien Pain is the head of the Internet Freedom desk at this organisation, he writes,

Bloggers need to be ananonymous when they are putting out information that risks their safety. The cyber-police are watching and have become expert at tracking down "trouble-makers".  [...] This advice is of course not for those (terrorists, racketeers or pedophiles), who use the internet to commit crimes. The handbook is ismply to help bloggers encountering opposition because of what they write to maintain their freedom of expression."

In the handbook follows a list of blog tools and platforms, some hints to promote a blog and a report about internet censorship. Reporters Sans Frontiers offer a .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Respect and perception for Luca and all children in this world

A grinning minister in a round table broadcasting. Photos of a violated baby. Officers and doctors, who lack the ability to judge. This is Austria. This is, what they call care. It is what they do to human beings, who were violated. I am deeply concerned with the fact, that Human Rights are disregarded in Austria.

I feel despise, contempt and scorn for people, who cannot even protect a baby from violence and abuse. By eyesight I would have been able to decide, that this little child must have been kept in custody.

And, I would have done it. No matter which aftereffects. I do not need to be a heroine to act like a human being would.


1 http://www.kurier.at/nachrichten/niederoesterreich/122836.php

2 http://www.diepresse.com/home/panorama/oesterreich/341876/index.do

3 http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=3107716

Monday, November 19, 2007


This Joomla! software is amazingly flexible and simple. I like the environment to handle new installations easily. I read an article about CMS systems, recently, and I was glad I chose Joomla!, Typo3 would have been too much for a starter. I am still searching for extensions and plugins. However, I acquired my licence some weeks ago and now I am a licenced vendor of my artwork. My these days and I learn how to handle PHP, which seems to be a cool scripting language to a more secure web.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The open source software

It is as it always was: I dislike the open source software. It works for a time and due to change of password, functions and pages do not work as they should. It was ok for me with some time, as long as I did not really need it and I did not want to build a life on it. Now, well, I should have known before, I changed my password and simple functions refuse to work like the shopping cart. I already prepared the badge with I-love-my-host on it, well, nada, niente, nothing. I cannot even change passwords without loosing my installations and implementations of a month. I have to remake all the work. Yes, of course I backed up, but all the edits again? Thousands of files? They promised a complete software package and I end up spending my day with editing, because the stuff has to be installed new.

I simply do not have a thousand euros for buying a shop software ... I keep on tuning.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I would like to promote this webiste via a post: http://www.oeko-news.com promotes news about economy in German. Various kinds of energy and saving it are described and documented.
I wanted to add some thoughts to my Inner Senses:
Of course, all human senses are "within". With Inner Senses I mean the part of anticipation, that is not visible in a physical body. My "inner eyes" or "inner ears" are an imagination to capture what is there. It is called synaesthesia, when feelings are connected with other sensations. This connection and communications happens haphazardly in content and with me, all the time, when I am not under pressure of stress, rush or other emotional tensions. Synaesthesia is not an illness or disability, but is in contrary an ability to connect thoughts and impressions, pictures and music, however. Famous examples are the painters Kandinsky, with his most beautiful abstracts, or Joan Miro, as much as I know:

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

My inner senses

I can "see" the pictures I want to paint, they are ready in my mind. Sometimes parts of them are ready and I adapt these parts to make a whole. Sketches of parts may be seen here, in my blog. I only sketch what I want to remember, the theme, but not the colors. The colors come by themselves, practically in my dreams. I learned how to make these vision stay in my brain, aka remember. It took me years to acquire the ability to direct my dreams into a direction I wanted to explore, or not. I let dreams go, when I think, I should learn something about my subconscious. So the idea came up, I would want to paint my daddy in a very old manner, like Van Eyck did or the other painters from the Netherlands. I mean the technique, here. Then the picture changed: I will rather express what I feel about my dad and put a solid color construction under it. I do not really want to paint daddy in a naturalistic way, because there are many photos, videos and audio files available. What makes the picture essentially focussed on expression is what I understand from the movements of feelings and thoughts I have. The love, the thankfulness, the sorrow and grief.

Since I wrote about my inner eye, I would like to add my inner ear, too: These days and with an 8-track computer program, it is possible for me to materialize what I hear with my inner ear. This is how I composed the . For his birthday, to thank the world and vibes and molecules never ending (and therefore have no beginning and end). It takes me some days to finish a song. Well, I thought this short text might help somebody´s inspiration. I will come up with another blog post about inspiration.

Finally, the blog is up again

I finished my maintenance work and I revised some code for the Anthropo Logic Diary. I changed the sidebar from right to left, it looks more like a newspaper, now. Simple. I would like to learn how to install some fine, black lines. This is what I intended. I keep working on my website and shop, I paint. I started to sketch my daddy playing music, I was watching the videos I found, over and over. Our dad died 29 years ago. I want to express the feelings I still have (after so many years) for my daddy in an oil painting: I thought this was the perfect way to do this. I did paint in oil, earlier, but I re-read the chapters about building an oil on canvas. It will be a Jazz painting, like I saw them, when I was a child. I had the canvas standing freely for a couple of months, now, to test it: It is a pre-manufactured white canvas. I sketch what can "see" in my brains with my "inner eyes", I do this on the canvas with ochre. No limits, no programs, just Jazz, feelings, color and me. I will present it in , I hope to be ready by spring or early summer.

Winter time has come and I rarely need to go the bureau. Instead of this I occupy myself with tricking out the software and adding lots of contributions. I added an Amazon media store but yesterday, it is . Of course I zipped it and added it to the contributions site at osCommerce.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Points one to seven worked through: http://20stickyposts.blogspot.com/2006/07/low-sidebar.html. This blog has a lot of tips for blog writers, I will keep writing about this here, perhaps it helps somebody else...Read this article and go through the clicking on each post to see where the sidebar would be down. With me here it was a single wrong closing tag, which should have been < slash div> and was < slash a>. That caused all the problems...

Luckly I saved all codes, I will get the blog up and running in two days again...Enjoy reading!

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007


Now I removed my sidebar completely, plus I drafted post with graphics in them. There are two dotted lines on bottom of the page here, no matter which post is the lowest.


The site is undergoing heavy maintenance: Although I changed the template and cancelled each code, that could have caused the sidebar down - it is actually now in the footer of the website - the sidebar does not appear where it should. The post by themselves are ok and not too broad, I chose the Minima Stretch Style, I have to go through them... Thanks to my readers and your patience, I hope I can fix the problem, soon.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Short notice

My sidebars is down, I do not know why yet... This is only a short notice to let you know, that though I did not change my template and having been away for some days, my blog here does not appear like it should to and used to do. I will try and fix the problem tomorrow, the HTML goes only for 90%.


Recently I found this work online, it is written by Martin Roessler. The EPaper gives a historical overview of Ethnology in the german-speaking countries. He means on page 20, that Ethnology and the NSRegime were subject to reciprocation, but he states, that political influences were stronger on the science, than the other way round. Except that the NSRegime was interested in colonial affairs, ethnologists during WWII pronounced racist stands and the hierarchical order of peoples from the view of an extreme nationalism. Some people in Dresden were Otto Reche´s alumni, notably one Michael Hesch, who wrote a Festschrift for Reche 1939 and who became the director of the Museums of Ethnology and Zoology in 1941. He was a member of the NSParty since 1933 and it seems, that his friendship with Reche was of great help for him, because his NSCareer was furthered in the years after 1941. He had been responsible for erbbiologische Abstammungsgutachten and later moved to Vienna, where he was a member of the Anthropological Society. He not only was scientifically influential during WWII, he also acquired certain ranks in the uniformed NSMilitia, namely one SSRank called Hauptsturmfuehrer. Sadly enough, the Museum of Ethnology´s website has only two or three sentences left for the time of WWII in Dresden.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I discovered ...

... some old tapes! They show the Barrelhouse Jazzband of the 60ies in Vienna. Not suffice to say, they are great. This is the kind of music I like to hear. I like the interpretation and improvisation of Jazz songs composed, for instance, by Count Basie. I still start to cry, when I hear Lonesome World and my daddy´s horn. The interview preceding Lonesome World and I Got Rythm show Guenther Schifter asking first Horstl Bichler, then Otti Kitzler, Franz Bilik and Peter Hoffmann. Schifter tries to get out the most of them, well, musicians are people, who prefer to communicate in sounds. Courtesy of ORF Austria I added, but left everthing else unedited. However, the music is the message. The tapes I found must have been our mum´s, I copied them to DVD. These tapes are of Jazz historical value, I think.

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005/2006/2007

G600´s new technology

This cellular phone takes shots with a five megapixel camera, see some examples here: Vote for Queue Jumpers with The Samsung G600 5 Mega Pixel Camera Phone! The G600 is a lightweight digital bluetooth device offering Pict Bridge printing. An attached LED Flash and image stabilizer guarantee your photos in art book quality. Integrated players for music and videos serve an additonal internet browser, plus FM Radio. The whole thing in a size of 102 x 47,8 x 14,9 mm and a stand by time of up to 300 hours. Winners of the Queue Jumper Gallery will be awarded a modelbook and photoshoot with one of Europe´s leading model agencies.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I get used to ...

... the Open Source software. I learn php-scripting and today I managed to configure some files on MySQL server. Anyway, the Open Journal Software does not yet work, I could not define the ReadMe properly. I enrolled to participate in the support forums, to install my journal. I implemented a cms system to my commercial site, some hours went by until I realized I have to place a line of code rather above the other definition rows. Tomorrow, I will design some banners and buttons, plus merge with the osCommerce software: Many useres have stored and updated them. I browsed thousands of them, recently, although I did not find a template I liked. I will change colors and the frontpage text and - sufficiently in html. For now. I will write about how to deploy php-files, properly, I find the documentations quite confusing for beginners.